Thursday, March 19, 2009

On Tuesday we went for a little walk/ bike ride. I think this is about the first that Jaxtin has seen outside since Halloween. We have had a blanket over top of him going in and out ever since.
Bodin wanted to splash in the puddles, so I had to buckle him in- that is what all of the tears are about.

Jaxtin now pulls himself up, and has officially climbed 2 stair steps.

I am SLOWLY training for my triathlon in August, but I think the kids have been doing about as much as I have. I am waiting for it to be a little warmer before I move my training outdoors.

Briona and Jakob having a dance party with the kids.


Kami said...

Jaxtin has changed soo much since Bismarck. Can't wait to come home over easter to see the kids. They are busy busy.