Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Little Man~ Jaxtin

Eatin' Cheerios

Jaxtin getting adjusted

We could not wait one more day to see Skylar, so we met them in Fargo and Nevaeh got to go swimming.

Jaxtin does not look so little anymore!

We had a shower for Kami and Skylar Easter weekend. I think she will be the prettiest dressed little girl in town!


Boondocks MaMa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEVAEH! I'm so sorry we couldn't make it to your Birthday party. It sounded like so much fun! I'm in Minneapolis for Ashley's final wedding dress fitting. I hadn't gone to any yet and just had to go to this one! We leave in two weeks for Mexico. Can't believe it. Anyway, Happy Birtday!
Love, Naomi, Randy, and Mya