Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Library, Farm,Birthday Parties

We got a load of sand dropped off on our driveway last week. The kids had a lot of fun playing in it out front.

Bodin and the Berge boys
Brooklyn and Nevaeh

Nevaeh had a busy day with her friends

Dancing at her sock hop

Who wants a root beer float??

The girls all looked so cute in their 50's outfits

Nevaeh, Kendal, and Shaylin
James and Nevaeh with one of many sand loads
Bodin taking his turn too

My little reader
A farm near my parents let us stop by during chore time and see their animals.

Keisha the horse and me! Next to us is Keisha's pony and behind us in the doorway is her mom.

I was so proud of Nevaeh for getting back on a big horse. Last year she got bucked off pretty hard and I was hoping she would not be afraid of horses forever!
Bodin did not want to get off!

They let all of the kids help feed the animals

We stopped for an ice cream treat in Wheaton

The library in Wheaton had the Watertown Zoo bring some animals in to show the kids. Can you tell Bodin was a little nervous of the big snake she was holding??

This bird was my favorite. It said so many cute phrases and of course I missed them everytime with the camera!

On our way into Wheaton we saw this doe with it's new little fawn standing inbetween it's legs.
Bodin and Noah at the SummerFest parade
Nevaeh got to ride in the firetruck with Shaylin
Jaxtin loved the puddles!
Bodin with Jakob and Briona. What a good lookin' group!