Friday, June 4, 2010

Somehow a turtle manage to find his way under our fence to sunbathe on our rocks. I don't think he was there long enough to bury any eggs.
Mason was pitching during this game in Ashby

Track and Field Day
Nevaeh was in bed on Saturday with the flu. On Sunday (her birthday) she did not get out of bed all day. Poor thing! Track and Field day was on Monday and she thought she was too tired to go. I knew that if she got outside she would perk up. She slept in a bit that morning and then thought she would try going. She was glad she did.
Her and Abby won the water balloon toss!

Fireman Relay Race

Shoe kick- can you see Nevaeh's shoe right above Tess's head?!

Nevaeh brought in root beer floats and cookies to school for her birthday. She helped the Baker at the bakery design them. It was so cute listening to her tell her what she wanted on them and the colors to frost them with.

It was pajama day at school that day- a favorite of the class. Here they were having reading class outside. I can't believe how much they read already as Kindergartners!
We had to get the water rocket out the other day since it was soo hot. The kids shoot the rocket a few times and then they like to just play with the water

They then got this great idea to make a water slide- more like a mud pit.
Grilling with Virgil and Mary's new Mexico fire pit

The kids love going out to the bike trail. We tried biking out to it one day, but by the time we got there, their little legs were tired. It was nice to just have James load them up in the pickup.

Our next trip is working on taking training wheels off.

Tailgating at the races

We even had a rollover in front of us that the kids saw. Luckily the driver was alright!

Here is cousin Brock's race. This is his first year in the Late Model class. He has raced in the Midwest Mods prior years.
James is one of his sponsors this year. My cousin Wade has Ultimate Signs in Fargo that does Brock's car each year.

Jaxtin hiding from Bodin

Heavy load
There is a big ant hill in our front yard that the boys like to check out- and usually stomp on
I was washing Nevaeh's bedding and she thought the mattress looked like water so she got all of their suits on and pretended to be at the beach.

Dance practice on the stage at A Center For The Arts
Not too happy that I was taking pictures