Jaxtin is my puppy police. He makes sure they are in line when I need to step away from the window.

Larissa, Erika, Nancy, me, and Hallie at the Women of Faith conference in St. Paul. Thanks for the AWESOME weekend girls!!

Duke and Major are at 3 birds so fall this fall. The kids have been fooled that it is chicken so far in the recipes that I have used.
Nevaeh, and
We were digging leaves out pretty deep on them that night.

Jaxtin was pretending to be hunting with Duke and Major.

Bodin and Papa Larry

Jaxtin went for a ride too.

Jakob and
Nevaeh helping Grandma Barb make ghosts.

Here's they are finished
Our road gets blocked off occasionally and the kids take the opportunity to get some riding in. I love how fast Bodin can get those legs going. Jaxtin is trying, but you can see his crash.

Oh, how I miss this weather!
Nevaeh's class had a filed trip to
Glendalough State Park.
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